! Without a column

The story of my marriage

But who said that big feelings should end only in major troubles? Just not Psychologies. Our colleague Igor Chernsky, 40 years old, the editor, the father of 4-year-old Misha, confirmed our hypothesis-reasonably, sincerely, in his style.

It seems that without real difficulties, real feelings are somehow quickly faded away by us. Even love. If there is a separate apartment for meetings, a powerful mutual passion and the opportunity to fly away to any warm ocean at any moment, then for some reason passion quickly leaves, and instead of love to the grave board comes the grave longing.

This is not connected with age

I do not think that this is somehow connected with age-at the age of 23 I had the same problems. Rather, the main problem was that there were no problems. There was a rare beauty girl, funny and witty, and we were very good together. Not only that, I even liked her mother, and she really wanted to see me with her future son -in -law. Add to this a separate two -room apartment and the new “Volga” in the garage – all this was left to the girl dad, and in Soviet times, with such bonuses, some even married the dead princesses. In a word, the best bride in the city could not be found, but for some reason it was precisely what upset me the most. I imagined this happy and carefree life, and I immediately became dreary. Apparently, because I, as a man and personality among all this, had absolutely nothing to do. There is nothing to achieve – in this case, I received everything at once, and what to want from life, I did not know.

Therefore, we broke up, and I began to wait for fate to throw me a real test. Indeed, about six months later, she sent me her messenger in the person of our good neighbor Alevtina Vladimirovna. If one of you also lived in the 91st year in the USSR, then he probably remembers such a schedule of the department stores, when they were suddenly closed for the whole city and inwardly let the inhabitants of only one area were launched-according to housing coupons. These coupons were considered the highest good and ticket to the country of abundance: they guaranteed that there are at least five or six goods from among the scarce stores in the department store.

Alevtina Vladimirovna for some reason decided to hand these coupons to me. I can’t say that I was very happy.

Firstly, in order to get to the department store even in these coupons, it was necessary to come there at four in the morning and take the line. Secondly, it was that evening that my institute comrade Mishka Mironov came to me, who had just served two years as a lieutenant, and we violently noted this event. And thirdly, after the bear I planned a romantic date, wake up after which I was not going to 11 before 11.

You won’t get away from fate

Hearing about the coupons, my mother entered the kitchen where we were sitting with Mishka and said that, like a loving son, I just have to buy her coat. Therefore, at exactly three in the morning I found the strength to interrupt a romantic date, at four in the morning I got to the Moskovsky department store on the Square of three stations and stood in line. Now there is everything in the Moskovsky department store, but it doesn’t pull me there at all. And then I was ready to survive for six hours to buy a mother this coat.

Mom changed me at the post at seven in the morning. I stuck to the station and drank what was considered for coffee in a local buffet. For some reason, the body came to life, and when I returned to the queue, I suddenly saw that a person ten in front of me were two unusual pretty girls. Of course they were there before, I just finally noticed them. And I liked one so much that I rushed to the station again and bought two roses there. Of course, my mother immediately reacted to the whole turn: “Can you really not at least at seven in the morning …” It doesn’t matter what she said, but of course they heard us and now carefully studied us. Including those two cute girls, but there was nowhere to retreat. Therefore, I approached them and congratulated them on the three -hour anniversary of our stay in line. Then I still weaved something until the opening of the store, we bought something there, and in the end I got the phone.

It turned out that he is real, and the girls are sisters, although not at all similar to each other. And then it turned out the following: 1) I fell in love with one of the sisters;2) her name is Nadia, and she also loved me;3) but a month later they leave for Israel for permanent residence;4) Therefore, everything was sold except the apartment: the mayor Gabriel Popov, the living space was forbidden to sell then.

I was going to come to Nadi’s parents and honestly ask their daughter’s hands. True, in their eyes, I had little chance of looking like a decent person: we were familiar with only two weeks, and it was easy to conclude that, of course, I was only interested

in the apartment, which in this case will get with Nadia (that is, a half -traffic – I have after the inevitabledivorce). And therefore, having come to the bride’s parents, I told them that I didn’t need an apartment and that I was ready to go for Nadia at least to the ends of the world (yes at least to Israel) and marry her already so that they would not think about me about me. This option was very delighted: of course, they did not want to leave their daughter in Moscow.

Get married like normal people

After some three months I came for my beloved in Israel. The real difficulties that I have dreamed about for so long began on the very day when we decided to register our feelings, that is, the second after arrival after arrival. The old man sitting in the rabbin carefully studied our documents and said in disappointment: “You are not a Jew”. – “Yes? Who?” -” You are a tourist. And we can only marry Jews, but for this you both need to come to court “. – “Why immediately to the court?” -” They will figure out who you are “.

The funny thing was that this court failed to go through this court: her second cousin, when asked whether he could confirm Nadin with non -resistance, replied that he had come to Israel a year earlier than Nadia, so there was no idea that she could do far from him for himSuch a long time. And the court immediately believed in the worst. Theoretically, it was possible to appeal, but I stated that we will not humiliate more and get married better in Russia, like normal people. The main thing is that we were happy, and the notorious difficulties were at every step. I could not dream of such professions as, for example, a dishes in the hospital in Moscow – there I was shining with a dull fate of an engineer. And in Israel it was possible to change seven such posts at once, and everywhere there were more difficulties.

The housing issue also made its contribution: instead of a three -room apartment remaining in Moscow, we rented almost the same in the Jerusalem district of Pisgat Zev. But now we have lived there all together, that is, five. Nadia and I had a marvelous room with an area of four meters, its windows overlooked the pit. Immediately behind the pit – an Arab village with a mosque, from where Mudejin began to broadcast in my favorite four in the morning. True, I tried to take revenge: I put the mighty stereo columns on the windowsill and launched the “felt boots” performed by Ruslanova to the whole coil. But then a neighbor began to pound the door. He shouted that if the Russians began in the mornings to thorough their prayers ..

So we lived happily for almost two years. I all thought that we would be able to earn an apartment in Moscow, but the prices there jumped much faster than we saved. But we still returned and began to live with my parents. Now we had a room already at eight meters, and at four in the morning we were awakened by our native metropolitan garbage truck.

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